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Of course, when I visit a new place I do other stuff tooif you drag me. I will deign to darken the Watt is love baby don’t hertz Me vintage shirt and I love this door of the occasional museumespecially if it has a gift shop. I will join you for a fancy lunch but not too leisurely, please, especially if I am in a city for only one day and this fine dining cuts into my shopping time.

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Lest you hastily dismiss me as a brain-dead vulgarian waving my credit cards, blind to the Watt is love baby don’t hertz Me vintage shirt and I love this delights of distant destinations, be assured that I am hardly immune to the charms of the great capitals of the world. But, I ask you, isn’t the Vendôme Column all the more stately because it casts its shadow on Charvet, where Proust had his waistcoats made? And yes, Notre-Dame is a nice church, but Galeries Lafayette also has a phenomenal domeand, unlike the cathedral, houses a restaurant where you can eat a chicken sandwich while gazing up at the stained glass.

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